Karma (Fortune) [[ARCHIVED MODEL]](Personal Use) (Updated :))
Starheart Avatars Presents: Karma (Fortune)
PC Only
Very Poor, Medium, & Good Rated Versions
Standard Features:
~Combo Gesture Expression Set
~Dissolve Toggles [denoted with (d)]
~Physbones: Body, Hair, Ears, Wings, Tail, Charms
~Contact Expressions: Headpat, Noseboop, Ears/Wings/Tail/Hair Pull
~Color Options: 5 Blended Skin Tones. Hair Brightness, Hair Hue, & Emission Hue Sliders + Randomizer for all 3, Clothing/World Drop Hue & Saturation Sliders
~Clothing Toggles: Crop Top (d), Corset (d), Bikini Top (d), Heart Shaped Covers, Pants (d), Shorts, Skirt(d), Bikini Bottom (d), Thigh Highs (d), Boots (d)
~Accessory Toggles: Glasses, Collar, Bag
~Customization Toggles: Long Hair (d), Short Hair (d), Ears (d), Fangs, Wings (d), Tail, Paws (d), Tattoos (d)
Extra Features:
~Animated Breathing Idle with moving Wings, Tail, and Ears
~Feather Drop Wing Movement Particles
~Sparkle Hand Movement Particles
~Sleightly Ball: Random Card, Dynamic Deck of Cards, Grimoire, and Crystal Ball
~Functional Tarot Deck (Major Arcana Only) with Rider-Waite Tarot Textures (Custom textures to come in a future update): Allows cards to be drawn randomly, placed in 5 different spread formations, world dropped, picked up, thrown, and shuffled back and forth
~Intuitive Guidebook & Spread Info: Displays meaning of card held in hand & meanings of card placements
~Toggleable spread numbering for easy reading
~Fortune Tent World Drop with Open/Close Shape key, Smoke and Firefly Particles, Table and Chairs Toggle, Global Pickupable Pillows, Global Pickupable Skeleton Cat and Lamp, Setup and Takedown menu buttons
Quality of Life Features:
~Gogo Locomotion w/ Full Menu
~Mute Board
~VrLabs Marker
~Discord & Media OSC Controls
Dependencies:Latest VRC SDKPoiyomi 8.0.426
Mochie's Unity Shader
VRCOSC (Optional)
Do NOT steal/make public/share/copy/mine assets/take parts.
Do NOT upload for others without my permission (dm K.dance#7777)
If you like an asset I used, check out the creator & support them directly!
Head: Sugs#9795 Β $
Face texture: Sugs#9795
Body: Sugs#9795 Β $
Tattoo Texture: Sugs#9795 C
Body textures: Miriloo#8133Β $
Hair: Sugs#9795Β $
Crop Top: Zeit#9150Β $
Corset, Skirt, and Boots: Zeffie#6700Β $
Bikini, Bag & Collar: Wen#4076Β $
Covers: Abnormal#0001Β $
Pants/Shorts: Crabman823#8389Β $
Thigh Highs: Sugs#9795Β $
Ears & Tail: Leah_#0024Β $
Paws: Whituu#4928Β $
Piercings: Slurp#1537
Glasses: Cupkake#6666Β $
Grimoire, Wings, and Feathers: darvulia#0117Β $
Tent, Rug, Table, Crystal ball, Book Shelf, Pillows, Tarot Card Mesh, Tarot Guidebook and Papers - K.dance#7777
Rider-Waite Tarot Card Scans: Luciella Scarlett
Books: πππ π§π'π¬ ππ«π’π§πππ¬π¬ β₯#ππππ
Candles: Bubblegumz#6262Β
Crystals: 3DIMES#1993
Smoke and Sparkles VFX - Twamy#0001Β C
Icons: Skulli#7154
Gogo Locomotion: franada#0001
Expression generator: HaiVR
Marker: VRLabsΒ
OSC Controls: VolcanicArts
Sleightly Ball: JustSleightly#0001Β $
Tarot 3.0 System: K.dance#7777Β $
$ is Paid, C is Commissioned
Thanks to Cam#1959 and JustSleightly#0001 for their assistance in troubleshooting a few issues I ran into in creating this avatar.Β
You get a unity package containing Good, Medium, and Very Poor versions of this avatar.